Here Are the Winners of 2021 Platinum PRIA!
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – They are PT Pertamina EP (SOE Subsidiary), PT BNI (Persero) Tbk. (SOE), Danone Indonesia (Private), Ministry of Finance (Ministry), Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta/Investment Service, and One-Stop Services (Regional Government). Platinum is the highest appreciation given to participants who have collected the most awards in almost all lines of the 2021 PRIA category.  Apart from the four platinum winners, the2021 PRIA also named the winners in the Best Presenter category, namely Dhaneswari Retnowardhani, PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (SOE Subsidiary), Basuki Tri Andayani, PT Pegadaian (Persero) (SOE), Audrey Progastama Petriny, Gojek (Private), Ariana Soemanto, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Ministry), Rinaldi, DPMPTSP (Regional Government).    Even so, we agree that the most comprehensive public relations (PR) competition in the country with the theme "Communication to Unite the Nation" this time is indeed special. This is a collection of works and breakthroughs from PR practitioners during the year facing the COVID-19 pandemic.  The 2021 PRIA is proof that various limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic cannot reduce the enthusiasm of the participants to work and take part in this event. It was recorded that 124 agencies, government institutions, and corporations participated in enlivening eleven categories. The total reached 599 entries, higher than last year's 543 entries.  "This is an extraordinary achievement. The PRIA competition is a witness to how many creative PR programs were born during the pandemic," said Asmono Wikan, founder and CEO of PR INDONESIA Group.  The annual event organized by PR INDONESIA involved 14 judges. Consisting of Asmono Wikan (PR INDONESIA), Magdalena Wenas (founder of PR Society and LSP Communication Management), Janette Pinariya (Vice-Chancellor 1 for Academic Affairs at the LSPR Business Communication Institute), Firsan Nova (CEO of Nexus Risk Mitigation and Strategic Communication), Emilia Bassar (founder and CEO of CPROCOM), Maria Wongsonagoro (founder of IPM PR), and Salman Noersiwan Bachtiar (Editor in Chief of magazine).  In addition, Ika Sastrosoebroto (President Director of Prominent PR), Arya Gumilar (GM of Strategic Sustainability), Aqwam Fiazmi Hanifan (Senior Producer of Narasi TV), Jojo S. Nugroho (Chairperson of APPRI), Titis Widyatmoko (Editor in Chief of, Sam August Himawan (Director of Magazine), Verlyana (Veve) Hitipeuw (CEO and Principal Consultant of Kiroyan Partners).  The judging lasted two sessions. The non-presentation session was held on February 16-18, 2021. Meanwhile, the presentation session for the Program, Public Relations and CSR Department categories will be held in a hybrid (hybrid) on March 2-4 2021.  Three Words  The judges of the presentation session summarized the quality of the participants in three words: valuable, outstanding, and professional. But there are some additional notes. Firsan Nova emphasized that in the future participants should send proposals that are able to provide a comprehensive and holistic picture. Which starts with analysis, planning, or strategy formulation, then goes to implementation, and closed with evaluation as a reliable measuring tool.  Meanwhile, Jeannete believes that the success of the PR program will not only have a positive impact on the company but also on society at large. Specifically for the CSR category, Sam August Himawan emphasized the importance of conducting research to obtain the correct database.  Non-presentation session judge, Maria Wongsonagoro, hoped that in the future the participants will be able to provide a more complete, detailed, and systematic issue of documents and crisis management. Arya Gumilar for the category of the brand guideline, company profile, social media, website, and application emphasized the importance of UI/UX and discoverability. Meanwhile, Aqwam from Narasi TV emphasized the importance of presenting narrated and out-of-the-box content.      Congratulations to the winners. See you next year with much better work! ***  About PR INDONESIA  PR INDONESIA is a media entity that is available in print, digital (website), and e-magazine formats published through the business entity PT Media Piar Indonesia. PR INDONESIA printed and e-magazine publishing activities are present every month. While the online version is updated regularly every day.  Apart from organizing news publishers, PR INDONESIA also organizes various activities to strengthen the competence of public relations (PR) practitioners in Indonesia, namely training (workshops), PR community forums, conferences, and awards. There are regular competitions and awarding events including the PR INDONESIA Awards (PRIA), the PR INDONESIA Jamboree (JAMPIRO), and the Indonesian Public Relations Award (AHI). 
PRIA || 31 March 2021
Who are the 2020 PRIA Platinum Winners?
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Give the highest appreciation to Gadjah Mada University (Higher Education), PT Bank Pembangunan Jawa Timur Tbk (ROE and Regional Company), PT Petrokimia Gresik (SOE Subsidiary), PT Pertamina (SOE), Danone Indonesia (Private), Bank Indonesia (Institution), the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Ministry), DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Provincial Government), and Semarang City Government (Regency and City Government). Platinum is the highest award given to the participants with the highest number of trophies. (The number of each trophy can be accessed in the PR INDONESIA e-magazine 61/April 2020 Edition). The best presenter of 2020 PRIA. They are Muhammad Ihwan, Petrokimia Gresik (SOE Subsidiary), Trisnadi Yulrisman, Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SOE), David Mario Theoreza H, Jenius BTPN (Private), Bend Abidin Santosa, Directorate General of State Assets (Ministry), Leidena Sekar Nagari, House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (Institution), Rinaldi, DKI Jakarta One Door Integrated Service (Provincial Government), and Wing Winarso, Semarang City Government (Regency and City Government). This year, the 2020 PRIA was enlivened by 543 entries. This number increased from the previous year which there were only 476 entries. The judging session for the presentation session was held on March 3-5, 2020. The judging session for the non-presentation session was held on February 23-25, 2020. The two judging sessions were held in Jakarta which was done by at least 13 judges, ranging from senior PR, international journalist, senior academics, to PR Guru. The fifth PR INDONESIA Awards is the most comprehensive public relations (PR) competition in Indonesia. The competition which has been held since 2016 has been participated by more than 100 corporations and organizations which consist of ministries, institutions, SOEs, SOE subsidiaries, ROEs, regional companies, private companies, and provincial/city/regional governments. The highlight of the 2020 PRIA took place online via YouTube streaming. Asmono said, without reducing the value and meaning, the online version of the PRIA Awards is the most possible solution in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. “This is also to obey the government’s call so that we all carry out our activities and work from home,” he added. The Best The judges agreed that all participants had presented their best PR works in 2019. Janette Maria Pinariya, the judge of PR Program and PR Department category, who is also the LSPR Dean of PR, Marketing Communication, and International Relations, highlighted three points in this year’s PRIA competition, such as improvement, many innovations, and more colorful. For Janette, the best participant is those who are able to show the uniqueness and characteristics of each program and their PR department. Meanwhile, Adita Irawati, Special Staff of the Minister of Transportation, who was also the judge of the same category, had a mixed feeling. “I am proud. After being a judge in this event, I can be sure that right now PR in Indonesia has gained a strategic position in each of their own institution/company,” she said. This is reflected from their programs that are getting more creative and innovations that are out of the box. Especially when there are participants from the government public relations (GPR) who are able to show the quality that is equivalent to their colleagues in the corporation. “For me, that is an achievement. Especially coming from the regional government,” she said. Meanwhile, Jonathan Kriss, a judge for Brand Guideline, Digital Channel, and Owned Media category, who is also the Account Director of DM ID viewed that several participants who came from ROE actually have a better understanding of branding. “In terms of the target market and communication strategy, ROEs can indeed be said not too big. But, from the way they pack it, it looks much more compact, fun, and interesting. It makes us want to read again and again,” said Jonathan. Noke Kiroyan, President Commissioner and Chief Consultant of Kiroyan Partners, who was a judge for the Public Relations Governance, Annual Report, and Crisis Management (Pre-Crisis and Crisis) category, saw a wide gap between participants in the Public Relations Governance category. “There are some that are comprehensive, adequate, and even concerning,” he admitted. Meanwhile, for the Annual Report category, he saw that the quality of public company and SOE is the same. “The difference is thin,” he added. Specifically, in the Community Based Development category, the judges agreed that the programs presented tend to be similar and lack innovation. For example, in striving for communities around the corporation to be more empowered and independent, they generally only focus on making products. Although, judge Salman Noersiwan, Communication Director International Society of Sustainability Professionals, said that it’s time for the company to be involved in building a brand. So that it’s more interesting in terms of marketing and the products are even more valuable. Congratulations to the winners of 2020 PRIA. Thank you to those who have supported this event. See you next year!
PRIA || 20 April 2020
Here are the Winners of the 2019 PRIA Platinum Award
BANDUNG, PR INDONESIA.CO – The Platinum Award is the highest appreciation given to ministries/institutions/SOEs/private corporations/SOEs Subsidiaries/ROEs subsidiaries which have collected the most awards in almost all lines of the 2019 PRIA category. Their victory was witnessed by the Governor West Java Ridwan Kamil and more than 500 public relations practitioners from all over Indonesia and leaders from regional heads to CEOs in Bandung, West Java, Thursday (28/3/2019). An appreciation came from Governor Ridwan Kamil. The man who is popularly known as Kang Emil did not deny the strategic role of PR. Especially in the digital era like today where hoax and fake news can easily become viral. On the other hand, Indonesian people tend to be lazy to read and write. "This condition causes the country to believe in hoax and fake news. They tend to only read the news titles and can get easily provoked," said Kang Emil who is also the former Mayor of Bandung. "That is why the challenges of public relations today and in the future are not seeking information, but sorting out information," he added while advising that public relations practitioners always move to follow the dynamics of the times, remain relevant, and keep innovating because the world is getting more digital. Memorable The holding of the fourth PRIA left a deep impression. Compared to before, the spread of participants and the quality of participants this year both in terms of programs and PR contents, are more creative and innovative. This was reflected during the judging session. Arif Mujahidin, the Director of Communication of Danone Indonesia, a new figure who sat among the judges of PRIA for the PR program and PR Department category, was even grateful to be able to witness the growing presence of public relations (PR) in the country. He hoped that the meeting of practitioners and PR programs from across agencies/corporations would not only stop at the competition. More than that, it could be a forum for coalition and collaboration, so that the program that has been carried out so far could have a wider impact. Asmono Wikan, the founder and Editor in Chief of PR INDONESIA, who was also appointed as one of 15 judges, saw a number of participants were able to strengthen the institutional positioning of public relations as a strategic organization and considered important by the management. "This is exciting. Because the initial purpose of PRIA competition is to encourage public relations tasks and functions to have a more strategic position in the eyes of the management," he said. Ariani Djalal, Deputy Expert IV of the Presidential Staff Office agreed. She saw a change in the structure of public relations in several ministries and institutions. "Now they have access to the top level management. In fact, their PRs are capable of conducting two-way communication," he said. However, there were some notes for the quality of the participants this time. Judge Ariani, for example, saw that there were still many PR that were not yet fluent in utilizing technology that has developed in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, such as big data and artificial intelligence. Jonathan Krissantosa from DM ID, the judge in the category of Visual Identity and Owned Media, highlighted the lack of companies/institutions that were able to communicate the look of their brands to the fullest. This condition usually occurs because PR does not recognize brand assets and communicate them to the public consistently. Meanwhile, Maria Wongsonagoro who was appointed as the judge for Public Relations Governance Guidelines, Crisis Management Guidelines, and Brand Visual argued that the participants needed to review communication guidelines and crisis communication guidelines according to best practice. "There must be a mentor. Furthermore, the guide can produce a roadmap and be used as a new guide for communication and crisis communication," said Maria who is also the Chief of Training of MISI. Congratulations to the winner. See you at PRIA next year! ***   FACT SHEET This year, PRIA divides the award into 19 categories which assessment is done by non-presentation and presentation. Non-presentation assessments consist of Print Media Categories, E-Magazine, Websites, Social Media, Applications, Profile Videos, Pre-crisis, Crisis, Public Relations Governance Manual, Annual Report, Sustainability Report, Brand Visual Identity. While the presentation evaluation included Sustainability Business, Community Based Development, Corporate PR, PR Marketing, PR Government, PR Department, and Digital PR. The number of the 2019 PRIA entries reached 476 entries, it increased compared to last year which was 363 entries. The non-presentation judging was held on February 22 and 25, 2019, while the judging of the presentation was held on 4 - 6 March, 2019. There were 15 judges appointed. They were Asmono Wikan (Judge of Owned Media, PR Program and PR Department Category); Magdalena Wenas, Arif Mujahidin, Ariani Djalal, Irwa R. Zarkasi (Judge of PR Program and PR Department Category); Maria Wongsonagoro (Judge of Public Relations Governance Guidelines, Crisis Management Guidelines, and Visual Brands Category); Nico Wattimena (Judge of Public Relations and Crisis Management Category; Salman Noersiwan Bachtiar (Judge of Annual Report and Sustainability Report Category); Ika Sastrosoebroto (Judge of Owned Media and Digital Canal Category); Arbain Rambey (Judge of Owned Media Category); Jonathan Krissantosa (Judge of Owned Media, Digital Channels, and Brand Visual Identity Category); Titis Widyatmoko (Judge of Digital Canal Category); Maria Dian Nurani, Gunawan Alif, SAM August Himmawan (Judge of Sustainability Business and Community Based Development Category).   About PR INDONESIA PR INDONESIA is a company that houses PR INDONESIA Magazine, a monthly magazine that reported activities, agendas, strategic issues, prominent thoughts and figures related to the world of public relations (PR). PR INDONESIA also holds a variety of off-print activities such as Public & In-house PR Training, Workshop Series, PR Certification, PR Meet Up, and PR Conference and Awards. In addition, PR INDONESIA also encourages the regeneration and improvement of the quality of public relations through several activities such as PR Rookie Star, ICON PR, INSAN PR INDONESIA, and PR INDONESIA Fellowship Program.  
PRIA || 28 March 2019
The 2019 PRIA Awarding Night has Started
BANDUNG, PRINDONESIA.CO - The peak night of the 2019 PRIA was opened by the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil. In front of more than 500 PR practitioners from all over Indonesia and leaders from the regional heads to CEOs, the man who is popularly called Kang Emil acknowledged the strategic role of PR. Especially in the middle of the digital era like today. The speed and convenience of people receiving information are not matched by people's reading and writing interests. "Our society tends to be lazy to read and write. This condition causes this country to believe in hoaxes and fake news. They tend to only read the news titles and can get easily provoked," he said. "That is why the challenges of public relations today and in the future are not seeking information, but sorting out information," Ridwan added while advising that public relations practitioners always move to follow the dynamics of the times, remain relevant, and keep innovating because the world is getting more digital. Founder and CEO of PR INDONESIA Asmono Wikan viewed the existence of PR today is more resonant. This can be seen from the spread of participants and the quality of PRIA participants in the fourth year both in terms of programs and PR content are more creative and innovative. He saw a number of participants able to strengthen the institutional positioning of public relations as a strategic organization and considered important by management. "This is exciting. Because the initial purpose of PRIA competition is to encourage public relations tasks and functions to have a more strategic position in the eyes of the management," he said. Magdalena Wenas agreed. The PR INDONESIA Guru who has overseen PRIA's journey from the start as a judge acknowledged the participants' ability and creativity are developing each year, even though not all of them. "Public relations is a dynamic process. So, we must continue to adjust to the public dynamics around us and be observant of the opportunities that lie ahead," she said. This time PR INDONESIA in collaboration with iSentia once again held an appreciation for the Most Popular category. This category was assessed based on the results of monitoring of institutions, ministries, and corporations that have the highest exposure for the past year in more than 150 print media throughout Indonesia using iSentia Mediaportal. This year, PRIA divides the award into 19 categories which assessment was done by non-presentation and presentation. The non-presentation assessments consisted of Print Media Categories, E-Magazine, Websites, Social Media, Applications, Profile Videos, Pre-crisis, Crisis, Public Relations Governance Manual, Annual Report, Sustainability Report, and Brand Visual Identity. While the presentation assessment included Sustainability Business, Community Based Development, Corporate PR, PR Marketing, PR Government, PR Department, and Digital PR. The number of the 2019 PRIA entries reached 476 entries, it increased compared to last year which was 363 entries. The non-presentation judging was held on February 22 and 25, 2019, while the judging of the presentation was held on 4 - 6 March 2019. This activity involved 15 judges. They were Asmono Wikan (Judge of Owned Media, PR Program and PR Department Category); Magdalena Wenas, Arif Mujahidin, Ariani Djalal, Irwa R. Zarkasi (Judge of PR Program and PR Department Category); Maria Wongsonagoro (Judge of Public Relations Governance Guidelines, Crisis Management Guidelines, and Visual Brands Category); Nico Wattimena (Judge of Public Relations and Crisis Management Category; Salman Noersiwan Bachtiar (Judge of Annual Report and Sustainability Report Category); Ika Sastrosoebroto (Judge of Owned Media and Digital Canal Category); Arbain Rambey (Judge of Owned Media Category); Jonathan Krissantosa (Judge of Owned Media, Digital Channels, and Brand Visual Identity Category); Titis Widyatmoko (Judge of Digital Canal Category); Maria Dian Nurani, Gunawan Alif, SAM August Himmawan (Judge of Sustainability Business and Community Based Development Category). This event was even more special because it coincided with the fifth anniversary of PR INDONESIA. The agenda of the night was also filled with the official launch of the latest PR INDONESIA brand mark and HUMAS INDONESIA portal. Congratulations to the winner. See you at PRIA next year! ***   About PR INDONESIA PR INDONESIA is a company that houses PR INDONESIA Magazine, a monthly magazine that reported activities, agendas, strategic issues, prominent thoughts and figures related to the world of public relations (PR). PR INDONESIA also holds a variety of off-print activities such as Public & In-house PR Training, Workshop Series, PR Certification, PR Meet Up, and PR Conference and Awards. In addition, PR INDONESIA also encourages the regeneration and improvement of the quality of public relations through several activities such as PR Rookie Star, ICON PR, INSAN PR INDONESIA, and PR INDONESIA Fellowship Program.
PRIA || 28 March 2019
The Challenges of PR in the Future
BANDUNG, PRINDONESIA.CO – Prita Kemal Gani, Founder of STIKOM The London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Jakarta, emphasized the statement above while speaking at the 2019 PR INDONESIA Awards (PRIA) conference session with the theme “The Role of Public Relations in 5.0 Era” in Bandung on Tuesday (26/3/2019). Prita did not deny that artificial intelligence and big data indeed help the work of PR practitioner to be more precise. However, PRs are also challenged to keep improving and sharpening their competencies. Here are the challenges of PR in the future: Globalism Prita said that PR must have a wide network globally, have a global capability and global competency standard. Growth-Hi-Tech Prita emphasized that internal communication is just as important as external communication. Sometimes as a PR, all we think about is the consumers, even though the ones who should be communicated with first is the internal party. This communication can be done digitally. Education Being a PR must be creative and innovative. That’s why PR must love arts. “PR must have a lot of imagination,” she said. Moreover, releases are not only in a form of writing. A PR must be able to produce release with good photos and editing techniques. According to PR, even though PR is helped by photographer, but they are still the conceptor. Recruitment Nowadays, PR practitioners are not only come from Communication Sciences background, but also from another field of sciences. Research = Narrow the Gap “There is no PR works that is done without research,” said Prita. Without research, we can’t respond to issues appropriately. Ethics and Professionalism A PR must uphold ethics and professionalism. One of them is by paying attention to appearance. In addition, PR must also be on time, accurate, accountable, and has good manners. PR Reputation CEOs are now realizing the importance of PR. As PR practitioner we must think of the ways for the CEO to become popular, because the role of CEO is quite big in building reputation. PR 3600 Skills PR, which previously only fostered good relations between stakeholders, now contributes to maintaining the welfare of the company, helps marketing, and supports moral improvement of the employees. Competency in Building Relations PR must be able to establish good relations with all stakeholders, such as the government, community, employees, media, tenant, customer, and member. Lobbying Prita said that several politicians who use this technique considered as imaging, but actually building a good reputation needs a long process. It’s just like making a cake, it needs a long process that involves more than one person. Meanwhile, image is like the icing sugar added on the top of the cake. This lobbying process includes persuasion, verbal and nonverbal communication, and crisis management skill. Attribute Attribute is matters that can support the ability of PR such as education, accreditation, certification, and membership. Prita said that Indonesia has the most faculty of communication in ASEAN with a high number of graduates each year. “Indonesia has 210 universities with communication faculty. It can be concluded that the number of PR in Indonesia is the most in ASEAN. This is our capital to create trends in the future,” she concluded. (rvh)  
PRIA || 27 March 2019
The 2019 PRIA Greets the Sundanesse People
BANDUNG, PRINDONESIA – It seems only yesterday that the 2018 PRIA took place in Surabaya. This time, PRIA held by PR INDONESIA is back in Bandung collaborating with the Government of West Java Province. The appreciation for public relations (PR) practitioners from all of Indonesia will be held for three days from 26 – 28 March 2019. This agenda is opened with a conference session. In his remark, Asmono Wikan, founder and Editor in Chief of PR INDONESIA mentioned the big theme that is raised in PRIA this year, namely “The Role of Public Relations in 5.0 Era”. The man who also appoints as the Secretariat General of the Union of Print Media Companies (SPS) did not deny that this theme gained many spotlights form the public, especially from PR practitioners. There are many who argued that this is too early for Indonesia to discuss about Society 5.0, while there are many PR practitioners who still haven’t mastered the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. For him, there is nothing called too early. The reason, time keeps changing and it will never stop. Morover, PR is called as a profession that is identic with nonstop learning process. “Stepping into an unpredictable area which is hard to understand is inevitable and can’t be avoided. But, belief that something that is hard to understand will be something that is useful in our life, especially PR in carrying out their activities,” he said. 5.0 Society era was first emerged in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Swiss, on January 23, 2019. At that time, Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan in his speech said that the 5.0 era is an era where we can find solution to various problems that had been difficult to resolve. In the super smart era, technology that developed in era 4.0 allowed all data to be connected and then to be used to answer human problems, social life, and even industry in a more personal way. Japan itself has been working on this discourse since 2016. One of its objectives is to overcome the threat of a shortage of productive workforce in their country. Meanwhile for PR INDONESIA, Society 5.0 is a momentum to invite all PR practitioners in the country to humanize human beings in communicating. The Speakers This agenda was enlivened by a number of speakers. Present as the speaker today was the founder and CEO of The London School of Public Relations Prita Kemal Gani, CEO of Jemy Vestius Confindo, Marketing Director of PT Blue Bird Tbk's Amelia Nasution, and Team Deputy IV for Communication and Information Dissemination of the Presidential Staff Office Roysepta Abimanyu. The theme 5.0 will be explored more on the second day of the workshop session which featured a number of speakers with various derivative themes such as Chairperson and founder of Indonesia Cyber Security Forum (ICSF) Ardi Sutedja, Marketing & Communications Director of Accenture Indonesia. Both will be the presenters of the material for their special class, this time PR INDONESIA in collaboration with HUMAS INDONESIA invited all GPR to take part in the Creative Storytelling workshop in the Era of Public Information Openness. Meanwhile the peak of the event will take place on Thursday (28/3/2019). (rtn)
PRIA || 27 March 2019
Facing Company Crisis in the 5.0 Era
BANDUNG, PRINDONESIA.CO – Amelia Nasution, Marketing Director of PT Bule Bird Tbk, acknowledge this issue. In front of the participant of the 2019 PR INDONESIA Awards (2019) conference session with the theme “The Role of Public Relations in 5.0 Era” in Bandung on Tuesday (26/03/2019), she acknowledge that the phenomenon of digitalization had put Blue Bird in a crisis. People considered Blue Bird as a conventional mode of transportation. This was not in line with the time and prevented a change in online transportation trend. Amelia did not waste this opportunity to share the experience to get companies out of a crisis. Here are the tips: Challenges in the Digital Era According to Amelia, the first step in facing a crisis is to evaluate the challenges faced by the company. With changes that are occurring rapidly in the digital era, long-term plans can’t be used anymore. Company’s public relations (PR) strategy needs to be reviewed frequently, whether it’s still relevant or not. In addition, companies need to understand the pattern of social media users who increasingly demand speed and perfection. The digital era is also inseparable from big data. Every activity on the internet is a source of data to provide information to customers. With this big data, customers can easily be exposed to information about the company’s competitors. Companies need to analyze the competition that occurs and turn it to strength. In terms of transportation service providers, the competition is a price preposition, namely trying to give the lowest price to customers. However, Blue Bird cannot do this strategy. Well, here is the role of PR practitioners: building image and designing a message that can overcome the crisis as well as making customers to be sure to keep choosing Blue Bird as a reliable provider of transportation services. Manage Messages According to Amelia Nasution, the key step to dealing with a crisis is managing messages. Shortly after the crisis, Blue Bird released a video which content acknowledged its weakness, imperfection and the need of more learning. Based on this matter, they invited people to walk together. This message is emphasized continuously and from time to time through various programs and campaigns. Maximizing Technology and Humanity After facing a crisis related to digital technology, Blue Bird PR practitioners made a communication strategy about the company's seriousness to prioritize emotional relations between the customers and the company. "Data and technology alone are not enough, they must be mated with humanity," Amelia said. This message is manifested in an internal story video. The video tells about the company's journey that does not only stop when the customer arrives at the destination. More than that, it continues to the life of the Blue Bird drivers through free pilgrimage programs and scholarships for their children. "We call it life investment," Amelia said. Engaging Customers Utilizing digital technology provides a lot of convenience for Blue Bird. In a short time, the company can receive customers' aspirations through social media. The incoming data can be expressions of feelings, desires, and appreciation from customers. With this data, the company which has been operating since 1972 launched a co-creation campaign or the creation of creative works by raising the true story of the customers. Collaboration Collaborating as much as possible is an effective way to keep up with the latest developments of digital technology, especially collaborating with companies that use digital technology as a service. With collaboration, the company led by Noni Sri Ayati Purnomo as the President Director of Blue Bird Group can expand the customer coverage, facilitate access and provide more complete facilities for customers. In conclusion, the development of digital technology and the era of 5.0 do not prevent Blue Bird from staying afloat while continuing to learn and develop. Amelia stressed that her company will maximize this digital era to strengthen the message and commitment of Blue Bird to serve customers and humanize humans better. (den)
PRIA || 27 March 2019
Society 5.0, the Era of Best Fits
BANDUNG, PR INDONESIA.CO – When we start talking about the issue of Society 5.0 which is growing rapidly in Japan, then Indonesia must first reflect. How far is the level of efficiency, productivity, and development of our economy? Can it be said that it is stable like in Japan, or the opposite? According to Jemy, in the digital era such as today, the concept of banchmark/best practice is considered irrelevant, because not all best practice will be suitable when applied to an organization. “Japan is a country where production efficiency is stable. And we are the opposite,” said Jemy, adding that sooner or later Indonesia will head there. But with a note: applying best fits, not best practice. Society 5.0 can be said as a combination of high-level technology such as big data, internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). If all three are combined, they can produce human settle technology best concept. It means, the technology produced will be very useful and friendly in supporting human needs, including in terms of facilitating the activity of the elderly. If today humans tend to be limited in accessing information and knowledge, then everything will be easier when IoT is present in our daily lives. This has an impact on the social problems that are faced. “In the future, social issues will be handled by humans who collaborate with machine/computer,” he said. In addition, when now people still have to do hard works, then when AI has started to develop, the tasks that consume much energy will be replaced by robots or what we usually know as automation. Answering Challenges All conveniences offered by Society 5.0 do sound tempting. However, we need to realize that the industry condition in Indonesia itself still needs a lot of adjustments to technological developments in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Jemy’s statement is not without reason. First, related to infrastructure issues. It must be admitted that in the last three years, the growth of internet access in Indonesia has increased significantly. Unfortunately, the growth is not prevalent. Second, the geographical condition of Indonesia which has more than 17 thousand islands. Furthermore, the high level of technology disparity. “Some are very technologically aware. Oppositely, there are those who do not understand technology at all. This is a challenge,” he said. Last, the issue of transparency in the implementation of technology. Jemy continued, actually outside of the challenges related to the inner condition of Indonesia, now we are facing five global issues, such as asymmetry, disruption, age, population, and belief. In order to overcome these challenges, he appealed to public relations (PR) practitioners to prepare themselves. Especially in terms of strengthening the sector of Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is the trigger for the birth of the Society 5.0 era. The strategy to answer these challenges can be done by overcoming asymmetry with access, seeing disruption as an opportunity to innovate, balancing age growth by teaching moral values, honesty, and dedication from an early age, and fighting populism by creating togetherness. It means, political approach that seems to prioritize the interests of the people, when in fact it is for the interests of certain elite groups. (ais)  
PRIA || 27 March 2019
The Importance of Co-creation between the Government and the People
BANDUNG, PRINDONESIA.CO - The role of preparing the people to face the development of the era is getting more challenging when Indonesia’s demographic and geographic conditions are known to be diverse, in fact, Society 1.0 is still happening in Papua. As admitted by Roysepta Abimanyu ,the Deputy IV Team for Political Communication and Information Dissemination of the Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP) in front of participants in the 2019 PR INDONESIA Awards (PRIA) conference session in Bandung, Tuesday (3/26/2019). On the contrary, the changes that happen according to technological developments occur in big cities. Various manufacturing industries, for example, began to enter the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The younger generation also doesn’t want to miss it, they confidently built an information technology-based startup company. Roysepta said, that the condition that has developed is better be followed by co-creation between the government and the people. "Both parties must go side by side," he added. This step can be taken by building dialogue and involving the community in every development process. In this way, the government can also find out more about the more real social conditions in the field. "This is the role of GPR. They are the ones who play an active role in building co-creation situations by answering the challenges of algorithm and artificial intelligence," he said. In carrying out this role, we must also be aware of the potential challenges that will arise, such as average attention span or the ability of high concentration level towards a condition, and the many influencers on social media. According to the Roysepta, influencers are like two-edged knives. They can get social positions and can also build engagement with the audience. Another important thing, PR should create a campaign or message that contains value. (vin)
PRIA || 27 March 2019





