Basuki Purwadi, President Director of LMAN: Moving Forward with the Young Generation
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – As an institution that will only be six years old in December, it's not surprising that not many people are familiar with its existence. In fact, the role and function of the non-echelon Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Directorate General of State Assets, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Especially among Generation Z.  This condition is actually an opportunity to accelerate. Moreover, Generation Z is the generation of productive age and the nation's successor. Don't be surprised, this institution opens up great opportunities for the younger generation, especially Gen Z, to get involved together in building an institution that is still very young. Until today, 80 percent of employees at this institution are Gen Z.  Yes, this institution was born from a background of using state assets that were not yet fully optimal, especially regarding state assets that were idle at that time. So, with the flexibility of the BLU owned by LMAN, it is expected to accelerate the process of optimizing the idea assets.  The large number of fleets from the younger generation has forced Basuki Purwadi, the President Director of the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) to adapt. For him, the adaptation is not only to understand the characteristics of employees from the Gen Z circle. More than that, he got the mandate right at a time when this country is in the most difficult situation, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, which is full of dynamics. 
CEO VIEW || 03 September 2021
SOE Minister Erick Thohir: "Collaboration and Digital Adaptation is a Must"
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO –  That was the statement of Erick Thohir, The Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOE) when he opened the 2020 National Public Relations Convention (KNH) on the second day, Saturday (12/5/2020). According to him, the pandemic has pushed communication and information technology to develop faster. This condition changes the order of all levels of society. As a result, now is no longer the time to prioritize sectoral egos or choose based on closeness.  Now, it's time to make digital an option. Meanwhile, digital collaboration and adaptation is a must. In particular, in strategizing and for taking great leaps.  "Vision, leaps, policies, innovations, solutions, benefits and impacts need to be conveyed and narrated to the public," he said. Contextual and directed communication must be carried out in collaboration between institutions, business actors and their leaders. However, fast motion, solutions, and leaps, require a clearly directed vision. As well as meaningful meanings and benefits despite difficult conditions.  Erick continued, on the other hand, the best defensive human have against pentagon is not isolation, it is information. "Information has become very important in the midst of information and misinformation in the digital era and the pandemic. Every narrative has to compete tightly for attention," he said.  Meanwhile, narrative and misinformation are very easy to spread in this hyper-digital era. Forming an opinion, so that it can spark action. Everything is determined by the design of public communication.  Therefore, the role of public relations practitioners is very important. Its existence is no longer merely an agent of change, but as the frontline guards who are guarding reputation and trust wherever they are. The role of public relations is increasingly strategic and essential as part of the solution to strengthen society to adapt and build national optimism for a healthy Indonesia, a working Indonesia, and a complete Indonesia. "Capacity, capability and adaptive, innovative and collaborative character are the keys that PR must have," he explained.  Pentahelix Synergy   Erick gave an example, currently, the government through the Committee for Covid-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery is aggressively disseminating policies and plans to present Covid-19 vaccines and vaccinations independently. Meanwhile, the Ministry of SOE and the SOE health ecosystem are moving to prepare themselves to support the independent vaccine program with the private sector, information system architecture, integrating one data and platform from various ministries and institutions ranging from the Health Care and Social Security Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesian Military, National Police, to the Ministry of Communication and Information.  In addition, preparing the distribution of digital ecosystem vaccination services, which was originally planned for the future, is now being realized with the pandemic. And, this can be realized with a vision, innovation, and synergy for the country. "We are exerting all our power and efforts so that we can restore health, raise productivity and end the pandemic together," he said.  Therefore, the government and the Ministry of SOE have made public communication the key to the success of the vaccination program as well as independent vaccination. They also develop strategies and carry out various public communication initiatives using both mainstream media and social media to disseminate proactive narratives and minimize misinformation.  "We also conduct pentahelix synergy by conducting socializations to governors, regents, and mayors, embracing religious leaders, experts, as well as businessmen," he said. In fact, he continued, they also took an approach that emphasized aspects of local wisdom such as art performances. Minister Erick believes that with various innovations, fast steps, and collaboration involving various sectors and levels of society, this country will soon recover. (rha) 
CEO VIEW || 05 December 2020
Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Central Java: There Are Times When There Is Need To Be A Little “Craziness”
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic is the most difficult period for Ganjar Pranowo during his two terms as the Governor of Central Java. He admitted in front of the participants of the webinar “Catalyst Talk Vol 4: Communicate So That People Unite!” on Friday (5/29/2020). Apart from the effort to reduce the number of cases, equally important homework is to raise public awareness to implement health protocols. Until today, that is only one of the most effective ways that can be done to stop the spread of the virus as long as a vaccine has not been found. “It is not an easy job, especially since Central Java is large,” he said. Ganjar gave more special attention, especially after receiving a report that the awareness of the Central Java community to implement health protocol was low. The governor who is known to be active on social media concluded that this could be the problem because so far they have been inaccurate in choosing a diction that is easily understood by the community. Diction So, during the Adapting to New Habit (AKB) period, he chose to socialize through Covid-19 themed t-shirts. He believed that the shirt could be an effective communication and campaign tool. Moreover, the t-shirts that were produced contain many interesting sentence choices, using every day, even local language. For example, a sentence with the theme of unity “Together Against Corona”. Or, an invitation, “Always Wash Your Hands So You Don’t Get Corona Virus,”. Unique sentences such as “Wearing a Mask is Cool”, to the use of local language such as “Lagi Wabah Becik Ning Omah” (There’s an Outbreak, It Is Better at Home), and “Nyedak Keplak” (Slapped If Too Close). This initiative received an overwhelming response. Its unique design plus a sentence that sometimes made a smile for those who read it turned out to be in demand, even to foreign countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia. “We will donate the profits from selling these shirts to those affected by Covid-19 such as medical personnel and residents,” he said. He also applied similar diction selection when posting his activities on social media, a digital space that is used for publication and education. “Sometimes I need to use diction that stings and harsh so that people are alarmed,” he said.  Another thing that concerns Ganjar is delivery. He chose to go around his bicycle while exercising in the morning, reminding residents to use loudspeakers to obey the rules of maintaining physical distancing and wearing masks. “I have to announce it to everyone, and everyone has to understand in an acceptable way,” he said. He also strived for socialization and education to the industrial level by diligently visiting factories and craftsmen to ensure their readiness to face AKB. According to him, this effort must also be followed by sanctions. For example, do not hesitate to disperse a crowd of people who are caught not wearing masks. Or, prohibit vendors from selling if they ignore health protocols. Ganjar also highlighted the importance of the government’s public relations role during the pandemic. Especially, related to the speed in responding to public complaints. According to him, the speed of responding and following up on complaints, especially during a pandemic, is part of the form of customer satisfaction. “I am concerned about this. I even gave selected PRs the opportunity to participate in training with journalists to learn how to convey messages that are easy for the public to understand,” he concluded. (ais)
CEO VIEW || 01 September 2020
Risma, Mayor of Surabaya: The Obstacles of Building Trust
SURABAYA, PRINDONESIA.CO - Actually Risma has seen the strategic role of public relations (PR) for a long time since before she became a mayor. However, because when she was still a civil servant, she did not have PR. So,she communicated everything herself. Rismaseriously mobilized the function of public relations when she served as mayor, eight years ago. There are two key messages that she conveyed to public relations so that they can function optimally. First, public relations must understand everything. Second, public relations must know first because they are the leader's funnel, eyes and ears. They are also in charge of explaining everything the government has done. "If I think something is not right, they are my first spokesperson. Public relations must be able to explain what is not true to the public," she said to AsmonoWikan, Lila Intana, and MellisaPurnamasari from PR INDONESIA in her office, the Surabaya City Hall on Friday (6/4/2018). Public Relations must be able to explain if indeed something (problem) is true and straightens out if it's wrong. "It should never be manipulated," she said firmly. Before delivering information to the public, public relations should have qualified data. On the other hand, public relations is also the key to the success of building trust in the community. Risma is very serious about trust. She also said that it was difficult to build trust in the early days of her leadership. The news in the media tended to be unfair. There were parties who judged her both institutionally and privately. At that time, she asked public relations to explain and straighten out incorrect information. In fact, if necessary - because it has been very detrimental –she ordered to take legal action. She took this decisive step solely because she did not want herpeople to be confused, because if there is no trust in the government, there will be no participation from the people. Another important factor for building trust is of course real work. So when shereceives a report, she immediately checks the truth and then solves it as quickly and effectively as possible, especially if the urgency is not negotiable, such as the matter of life and death. "If we really work for the community, then they will not be easily shaken with anything and relatively do not need to spend a lot of money," she said. This is the second aspect that affects trust. When the community has felt the benefits of the service and believes in the government, the community will not be easily provoked.                                     Give Understanding Another important thing in building trust is explaining (programs or problems) to the public. The effort of giving an explanation or understanding to the community must be carried out consistently and repeatedly. In order to understand, don't feel like you are the most right. Invite the community to participate in thinking and understanding the root of the problem. One of the examples was when Risma responded to the public’s complaints about floods. "Maybe my work is not 100 percent correct (because there are still floods). But you can see, I found piles of rubbish and there was even a mattress in the pile. How is this?" she asked back. Actually, Risma admitted that the lower class community was relatively easier to accept and make changes than the higher class. Meanwhile the middle segment is the one that is difficult to move in a better direction. The factor is because they are used to being in a comfort zone. To this particular segment, she usually has to explain in more detail from the background to the goals that need to be achieved, and listen more. In providing understanding, Risma uses all communication channels. Although, personally she sees more benefits if the communication is done directly and face to face. "They can feel what we want, and I can find out how they respond as well," she said. However, this cannot be done often because of time constraints. Later at the end of her tenure, approximately in 2020, Risma imagines that her citizens are already prosperous and not confused. It means, they are not confused in finding a school for their children, not confused when sick, not confused to make a living, and not confused when retiring. To the leaders in this Indonesia, Risma emphasized the importance of approaching the community. One of them is with quality communication. Namely, convincing the public that everything that the government does aims to make better changes. (asw/rtn)
CEO VIEW || 27 March 2019





