CSR is the Communication Itself
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Sufintri, Public Relations Director of Traveloka, when met by PR INDONESIA at the Most Values Business (MVB) Indonesia Sustainable Conference in Jakarta on Thursday (7/11/2019) said that in principle CSR activity is a part of Traveloka’s responsibility and commitment in carrying out good corporate governance (GCG), especially in the tourism sector. “Because, if we don’t care and contribute, then this tourism sector is collapsed, we can no longer do business in that sector. Therefore, for us, CSR must be a part of business.” She said. Because it is a part of GCG and a form of responsibility, Traveloka considers CSR not to be a portion of publicity, let alone just to improve a good image and reputation to the public. “Positive reputation is just an outcome,” she added. Even so, Traveloka keeps communicating CSR. But what needs to be emphasized is that not all communication ends in publicity or becomes a media relations domain. “Traveloka’s CSR communication is purely to build awareness, engagement and collaboration,” such as ensuring that they work with the right partners, have an understanding of the vision and mission, promoting CSR programs to bilateral partners, focus group discussion, event, and evaluation. CSR awareness as a part of the business must be built in the internal of the company. It is PR's duty to lead and ensure that CSR becomes a part of business activity. “We have the duty as an ongoing advisory for business leaders in every division. We ensure every division/department makes CSR a part of business activity,” she said. Traveloka began to focus on building its CSR into a framework this year. The company led by Ferry Unardi as the co-founder and CEO of Traveloka divided the sustainable CSR framework into three pillars, namely environment, economy, and culture. “It’s not that we have been ignoring CSR activities,” she added quickly. “We have been doing it, even since the company was born. Namely, providing solutions to the community which at the time had difficulty getting tickets at affordable prices – part of the economy pillar. The difference, now the CSR is more organized,” she said. The environment pillar is focused on supporting the effort to reduce 30 percent of plastic waste by 2025, waste management, waste, pollution, and biological diversity. Meanwhile, the economy pillar includes the quality of labor, product and service, empowerment, and gentrification. The cultural pillar consists of preserving the site and cultural values, traditions, education, and culture promotion. (rtn)
CSR || 18 November 2019
Communication and Engagement Influence the Success of CSR Program
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The statement above was conveyed by Maria R. Nindita Radyati, Executive Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, Change and Third Sector (CECT) of Trisakti University while sharing four corporate challenges in carrying out CSR activities. That statement was conveyed ahead of CECT Sustainability Awards in Jakarta on Thursday (7/11/2019). She further explained one of the four challenges is the lack of corporate ability in building engagement to the affected public or beneficiaries, although engagement will affect the speed of success of a program. A measured and completed program with satisfying results will ultimately give positive responses and have an impact on the company’s reputation. Another challenge that companies often experience when carrying out CSR activities is the misperception about CSR. “CSR is not only a donation, but it must be able to give sustainable impacts for both the company and stakeholder,” said Maria. In addition, in designing CSR programs, many companies ignore the stakeholder mapping and investigation process, although the process is important to determine the issue that will be raised and the most appropriate strategy to be implemented. “In implementing CSR, ISO 26000 can be used as a guide or main reference in making the Sustainability Report (SR) guidelines,” she added. Another problem is the lack of reporting ability. According to Maria, reporting is a part of the company’s communication to the stakeholders that include internal party, public, to their investors. “CSR reporting must follow the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The strategy to communicate CSR also must be done in the right way with the right medium,” she concluded. Assessment CECT Sustainability Awards is divided into two categories, namely appreciation given to companies (award for companies) and social entrepreneurship (social enterprises) which have sustainability and performance and holistic CSR. The winners were judged based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and ISO 26000 as standards for managing CSR and sustainability. This time CECT Sustainability Awards was attended by 57 participants which consist of 47 companies and 10 social enterprises. Furthermore, 32 winners were selected for the companies and 7 winners for social enterprises. The awards were given in Jakarta on Thursday, November 7, 2019. (mai)
CSR || 11 November 2019
Loreal Assure The Really Cool Science
 JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO - Located in Building A of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), Jakarta, Wednesday (26/7/2017), the event that carries the fence TesyataSainsKeren this time Presents inspirational profiles in science, science experiment exhibitions and various workshops for students and teachers. The event is at the same time the culmination of L & rsquo; Or & eacute; al Girls in Science (LGIS) 2017. This year LGIS is holding the theme "Community Impact". There were 50 proposals, all of which were female students, went to the committee's table. The number is then filtered to become eight finalists. They were the one who had the opportunity to showcase his work in front of the jury. SMA Pembangunan Jaya Jakarta with the project of pollutant masker from areng and aloe vera was chosen as the first winner of LGIS 2017. On that day, L'Or & eacute al Indonesia gave appreciation to Yonita Tyaslokita, teacher from SMA Pembangunan Jaya, As The Most Inspiring Teacher. & Nbsp; & quot; L'Or & eacute; al is committed to advancing women in science. Provide space for women to have a real impact on the development of human life. We believe women in science can change the world, & quot; Said President Director L & rsquo; Or & eacute; al Indonesia Umesh Phadke. & Nbsp; He added that the commitment continued with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between L & rsquo; Or & eacute; al Indonesia with Kemdikbud with the Directorate of SMK and the Indonesian National Commission for Unesco in order to improve the competence of vocational students of hair-specific class. As well, fun teaching teaching training for teachers working with Mattel. & Nbsp; Phadke said, for more than 38 years developing the beauty industry in Indonesia, L'Or & eacute al realized the importance of regeneration. L'Or & eacute; al Science Fair is a manifestation of that continual commitment. & Nbsp; According to Melanie Masriel, Head of Communications L & rsquo; Or & eacute; al Indonesia, the target of this program is not only the young generation in Jakarta, but throughout Indonesia. To achieve that mission, L & rsquo; Or & eacute al lndonesia brings the lnstagram @TeramataSainsKeren account as a medium to continue to socialize the power of science that can change the world. The account raises an inspirational profile, unique facts and other inspiring science information. Step & nbsp; L & rsquo; Or & eacute; al Indonesia got Kemdikbud's appreciation. As expressed by Minister of Culture and Education Muhadjir Effendi in his speech read by Arief Rachman, Chairman of the Indonesian National Commission for Unesco. From this program, L'Or & eacute al Indonesia is able to show how exciting the world of science is. & quot; The world today is changing very fast. Science is the solution. Science will help our lives. With the earth's sciences will be well preserved and bring our nation into a great nation, " He said. rtn
CSR || 27 July 2017





