When Data Tells Story
PRINDONESIA.CO | Monday, January 20, 2020
 When Data Tells Story
There are three elements to convey information to storytelling, namely supporting data, visualization, and the way to deliver the context.
Doc. Special

JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – Generally preliminary data obtained by PR from other fields are still in the form of fragmented raw data. Before processing it into information that will be disseminated to the audience, the PR must first map which data will be used. Then, PR must still connect/correlate the data until it becomes easily digestible information.

The information is expected to be a means for decision-making or wisdom and new knowledge, both for the company and the public. According to Christian Angkasa, the Head of  Analytics and Decision Making Division of Bank OCBC, there are three elements for conveying information into storytelling, namely supporting data, visualization, and narration or how to convey the context.

Understand the Five Principles

Furthermore, Christian who was speaking at the 2019 DISRUPTO event with the theme "Data Storytelling for Everyone" in Jakarta, (22/11/2019), explained that five principles were needed in making data storytelling.

The first principle, know the target audience. Indonesian people do not only have different backgrounds, but also different interests and levels of understanding. He then divided the audience characteristics into five types.

The types are the beginner (he/she wants to get overall and detailed information), the generalist (he/she wants to know high-level information only), the specialist (reflected in the questions asked that are usually submitted in-depth), the supervisor (he/she only wants to get information that can cause action of data submitted). Finally, the executive (he/she is selective, starts from finding out who will convey information, related to his background so that the person concerned can trust more with the information submitted).

The second principle that must be applied is that information will be more easily accepted if it is in the form of contrast. To compare data in graphical form, PR can use a bar chart or circular area chart. Meanwhile, to show the composition of the whole data will be easier to understand if you use a pie chart or stacked area chart. The histogram bar chart and scatter plot are used when we want to show the distribution data.

The third principle, public relations must be able to convey information that can be digested in seconds. The fourth principle, develop a story. After the graphic is successfully made, the next task of PR is to arrange the graphic into a series of stories. The last principle, do emotional engagement so it is easy to remember by the audience both in terms of color and graphics. Readers tend to be more interested in simpler graphic displays, in the sense of color choices and directly capture the most dramatic contents. "This dramatic effect usually makes people happier to hear the story than reading the data itself," he explained.

According to Christian, the utilization of data supported by 4.0 technologies, such as big data and machine learning, is aimed at processing data to be more accurate and to provide a more precise context of what customers feel about the company services. Starting from getting to know your customer further, knowing the level of customer satisfaction, customer experience, to the company's performance. (ais)


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