Basuki Purwadi, President Director of LMAN: Moving Forward with the Young Generation
JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – As an institution that will only be six years old in December, it's not surprising that not many people are familiar with its existence. In fact, the role and function of the non-echelon Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Directorate General of State Assets, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Especially among Generation Z.  This condition is actually an opportunity to accelerate. Moreover, Generation Z is the generation of productive age and the nation's successor. Don't be surprised, this institution opens up great opportunities for the younger generation, especially Gen Z, to get involved together in building an institution that is still very young. Until today, 80 percent of employees at this institution are Gen Z.  Yes, this institution was born from a background of using state assets that were not yet fully optimal, especially regarding state assets that were idle at that time. So, with the flexibility of the BLU owned by LMAN, it is expected to accelerate the process of optimizing the idea assets.  The large number of fleets from the younger generation has forced Basuki Purwadi, the President Director of the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) to adapt. For him, the adaptation is not only to understand the characteristics of employees from the Gen Z circle. More than that, he got the mandate right at a time when this country is in the most difficult situation, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, which is full of dynamics. 
CEO VIEW || 03 September 2021
A Year Against the Pandemic
By: Noke Kiroyan, Chairman & Chief Consultant KIROYAN PARTNERS  JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The initial uncertainty might be understandable. Previously, the world had also been hit by a devastating pandemic called the "Spanish Flu" that happened over a hundred years ago (1918). This pandemic has been rampant for more than two years. A third of the world's population at that time was infected. The number of deaths from this disease was estimated to be between 20-50 million people, there were even estimated to reach 100 million people. The exact number is never known. It's been a century and there's no memory left of that time, so we "started from scratch".    Returning to the current state of affairs, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has received international praise from all corners of the world for her firm but humane handling. Her public communication was flawless. The pandemic can be overcome and life in the country in 2021 is almost back to normal.  As soon as there was confirmation of the entry of the COVID-19 virus into New Zealand, the government immediately imposed a total lockdown. Public communication was carried out non-stop. The message was clear, consistent, and easy to understand. Information flooded the public through billboards, banners, social media, pamphlets, and brochures that provided directed guidance. Each afternoon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Director-General of Health provided an update of the situation with the key message “Stay Home – Save Lives”. Although the geographical, economic, and educational conditions of Indonesia and New Zealand are clearly different, the most important lesson that can be learned from them is that public communication has received great attention from the government.  
COLUMN || 18 June 2021
The War Against Hoaxes
By: Noke Kiroyan, Chairman & Chief Consultant KIROYAN PARTNERS  JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO – The convenience provided by the virtual world also provides extraordinary possibilities for exchanging news, in addition to true news, sometimes there are questionable contents or hoaxes. Hoaxes or fake news that is made intentionally to deceive. Hoaxes existed before the internet era. The difference is, the internet allows copying at speeds and volumes that were unimaginable a decade ago. These two factors make hoaxes a threat to society.  The most horrendous hoax in the world recently was related to the defeat of former President Donald Trump. In his bid to win the presidency for a second time, Trump lost a free and open election. About 60 complaints that the Trump team submitted to various courts in various states were eventually rejected. This is was not a deterrent to Trump from tweeting daily. He claimed he was cheated. He also incited his followers to thwart the election results in any way.  Many Trump supporters were outraged for believing in fake news. On January 6, 2021, thousands of his supporters stormed the House of Representatives (Capitol) ferociously. They wanted to thwart the approval of the November 2020 election results by the Senate. The building was in ruins. The members of the House of Representatives and the Senate survived the rampage of this mob, then by the United States press these mobs were called "domestic terrorists". 
COLUMN || 21 April 2021
Communicating COVID-19 Vaccine
By: Noke Kiroyan, Chairman & Chief Consultant of KIROYAN Partners  JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO –  It should be understood that apart from general rules of communication, the implementer of public communication should not make too much promise about unknown matters so as not to result in a loss of trust. If the public at large loses confidence in the messages conveyed by public officials, the public health situation will worsen because the directions given are not followed.  On that basis, the principle of communication for the COVID-19 pandemic is short and dense: “under-promise and over-deliver”. The meaning is, do not promise anything high, but try so that in fulfilling that promise, we go beyond what has been promised. The goal is to build trust. Once society loses confidence in what public officials say, the trust will be difficult to rebuild.  Trust is the essence of communication effectiveness. If we are unsure about the truth of a message, there is the risk that everything that is said in the message will be questioned. Especially when it comes to mass health problems that threaten society as a whole. One example of poor public communication occurred in the United States which resulted in unrest in the society of that country.  On May 15, 2020, President Donald Trump inaugurated "Operation Warp Speed". The term warp speed refers to the fictional movie Star Trek in which the travel between galaxies is possible at speeds exceeding the speed of light (300,000 km per second), which in the film is called warp speed. Thus, Operation Warp Speed can simply be translated as "Operation Fast as Light", even though the meaning of warp speed is actually faster than lightning. From the beginning, many felt uncomfortable with the name of this operation which too much feels like marketing and gave the impression of prioritizing speed above all else with such a bombastic name. 
COLUMN || 22 March 2021
Miscommunication Solutions
By: I Gede Alfian Septamiarsa, First Expert Public Relations Officer of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of East Java Province  JAKARTA, PRINDONESIA.CO –  The dynamics of communication in a group is defined by Goldhaber as an activity carried out when two or more people convey messages face-to-face. They realize that other members in the group have a common interest which is stated as a goal to reach a mutual agreement.  However, not all communications have a positive impact or mutual agreement. Suppose we communicate with other people but there are differences in perception. This can lead to mutual disagreement or miscommunication between the two parties. Not only personal, but these problems can also occur between organizations. Miscommunication can lead to disputes.  Actually, miscommunication is a common thing in the communication process in every company. Communication within a company or organization involves many people from both the higher-ups and the subordinates. Miscommunication in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is defined as the wrong acceptance or wrong response of a communication.  For example, Person A delivers a message to Person B. However, Person B doesn't get the message of Person A as a whole. Thus, this incident can be categorized as a miscommunication. In the end, miscommunication will have an impact on, for example, the low completion of the company's internal projects, and will have another impact on the company's business processes. 
COLUMN || 19 March 2021





